

Sanghamam, established in 2002, is published in New York, Chicago Texas and Toronto, every Thursday. From humble beginning and with a desire to uphold the highest standards in the media industry, Sanghamam has grown by leaps and bounds.

Sanghamam is the largest circulated Malayalam newsweekly in the Western Diaspora, and, as the leader in all areas of publication, we do retain the highest standards in every issue – believing it is our responsibility to the readers

Our New York edition covers the eastern part of the United States, and the Chicago , Texas and Toronto editions serve the western United States and Canada.

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Since the beginning, it has been our carefully considered mission to cater to our readers throughout North America, all the while targeting maximum advantage to our U.S. and International advertisers. To achieve this, we have gathered the best staff of professional writers and editors in India, most of them fully experienced in living and writing outside of Kerala, particularly in the U.S. and Canada.

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As the Malayalees are highly literate, reading one’s own language is always self-gratifying and for the well-educated, it is a rewarding experience. Unlike the Indian-English newspapers, Sanghamam is focused on being a main part of daily living in the Malayalee household. Our newspaper is read by 3 to 4 people per household who enjoy the various sections such as main world events on the front pages, followed by American news, pages dedicated to Kerala news, and commentary. It has fully developed movie and sports sections. In short, it is a complete newspaper, covering all aspects of news and features interesting to every age and gender. Sanghamam is a complete weekly for the Malaylees in North America. It has separate sections on politics, business, entertainment, entrepreneurship, success stories, festivals, sports. Eminent journalists with a thorough understanding of Kerala and the information requirement of the diaspora work hard towards updating them about the latest in Kerala. Sangamam is proud that it carries columns of a number of reputed and respected columnists. Their precise analysis and incisive writings have become a toast of the readership community

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